Sarratt Acquisition Management Inc.
Who We Are and What We Do
Sarratt Acquisition Management Inc. (SAMI) is a disabled veteran owned small business dedicated to:
Improving the protection, comfort, and suitability of the military members’ clothing and individual equipment
Helping industry do business with the Government
The term acquisition management is used in the Department of Defense (DoD) context, that of life cycle management of military clothing and individual equipment, from concept development through research, design, development, engineering, testing, evaluation, production readiness, production, fielding, alteration, issue, wear monitoring, and disposal.

Specialists in Textile and Related Products for the U.S. Military
Our record says it all, over $1.2 billion (USD) of sales by our clients since we started in 1990. Our staff understand the marketplace, products, strategy, and processes to put your products in the hand of customers, or on their backs, feet, hands, heads, etc.